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Tekken 8 Tournament

Unleash the Devil Gene during the Tekken 8 Tournament at Station Street Festival, jointly organized by Fighting Games Community Bulgaria, CoolDown & TDB Play

Full information on the rules, the location, as well as the prizes from first to third place: 📍 Where? Plovdiv, Ivan Vazov Street, Station Street Festival 🗓️ When? 12:30 on 09/08/2024 📜 Entrance: Free, registration until 12:00 on site

Prize fund: 🥇1st place: BGN 1000 + a special gift from Experify 3D Print 🥈 2nd place: BGN 600. 🥉3rd place: BGN 300.

❗Rules❗ 🎮 Platform: PS5 🕹️ Bring your own controller! Brook Wingman adapters for Custom Controllers / Arcade Sticks are provided.

Double elimination Tournament Mode Default Settings 3/5 rounds per Game 2/3 Games of Set 3/5 Games for Winner/Loser and Grand Finals! Random stage each game.

The winner of the first game cannot change their character. The loser of the first game can change their character.

Players select their sides. Players may mutually agree on who sits on left and right side, corresponding to Player 1 and Player 2, respectively, at the start of a Set.

Players are committed to this selection for the entirety of the Match. If Players cannot agree to a Side Selection, they will play a Best-of-Three Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine who picks their side first.

The winner of the Best-of-Three Rock-Paper-Scissors picks their side first and will be committed to that selection for the entirety of the Match.

