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Digital Hygiene for Children, Mothers, and Grandmas!

Imagine a world where the rules taught to us as children apply not only to the physical world but also to the digital one. This is the theme of our event, "Digital Hygiene for Children, Mothers, and Grandmothers!" It is dedicated to anyone who wants to learn how to stay safe in the online space, regardless of age.

What Will You Learn?

The event will be fun and educational, focused on five basic rules of digital hygiene that we all know from everyday life but can be extremely useful in the cyber world:

  1. Wash your hands regularly and maintain personal hygiene:
    • Online, this means regularly updating your software and using antivirus programs to keep your devices "clean."
  2. Look both ways before crossing:
    • Just as you cross the street with caution, online you should be careful which links and applications you trust.
  3. Don't talk to strangers:
    • Online, this means not sharing personal information with people you don't know and being cautious about whom you trust.
  4. Curiosity killed the cat:
    • In the digital world, too much curiosity can lead you to malicious websites or expose you to phishing attacks. Be careful where you click!
  5. A house of sugar doesn't always guarantee a good experience:
    • Things on the internet may look appealing, but that doesn't mean they are safe. Be cautious with free offers and apps that promise too much.

Additional Tip: Stop, Think, and Then Proceed

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to click on something without thinking. But just like in real life, online, it's important to stop, think about the consequences, and only then move forward.

Why Should You Attend?

This event is perfect for everyone – from children just entering the digital world to parents and grandparents who want to learn how to protect themselves and their families from online dangers. You will learn how to apply these simple yet effective rules in your daily life to stay safe and secure online.

Join us and discover how the rules you know from childhood can protect you in the digital world. Together, we will make the internet a safer place – for you and your family!

