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Station Street Festival Cosplay Show

Rules for Participation

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  1. Both new and previously presented but not awarded cosplays (not winning first, second, third place, or qualifying for international competitions) are allowed. Cosplays must be of existing, canonical characters or their official variants. Costumes must be from anime, manga, Western movies, series, animations, comics, tabletop or video games, costumes must be based on an existing licensed character; fan-art versions or original designs are ALLOWED.

  2. Both self-made and purchased costumes are allowed. For the "Competitive Cosplay" category, at least 75-80% of the costume and props must be made by the participant. There is no such requirement for the "Amateur Cosplay" category. The jury and organizers reserve the right to move a participant from the competitive to the amateur category if they deem the cosplay does not meet the competitive category requirements. The participant will be informed in advance of the decision.

  3. Due to the event location and other specifics, the number of participants is limited to 35. After the initial registration period, all applications will be reviewed by the organizers and the jury. Each candidate will be notified of their approval status as soon as possible.

  4. All participants in the "Competitive Cosplay" category must undergo pre-judging. Participants in the "Amateur Cosplay" category who made their entire costume or elements of it, as well as those with more complex makeup or wigs, also have the right to undergo pre-judging if they wish.

  5. The minimum age for participation is 14 years.

  6. Participants have 30 seconds to 2 minutes of stage time, starting from the beginning of the multimedia presentation.

  7. After approval for participation, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be added to a Facebook group where organizers will post information such as deadlines, stage order, etc. You will also need to fill out an additional questionnaire detailing your performance. You can specify if you need an assistant and attach your multimedia for the performance.

  8. All participants must send a photo of their completed costume, as well as any props or decorations. The deadline for this will be announced by the organizers. Additionally, participants in the "Competitive Cosplay" category must send a workbook or photos documenting the costume-making process.

  9. It is forbidden to throw any objects (animate or inanimate) into the audience, as well as to use fire, pyrotechnics, dry ice, metal blades, weapons, etc., on stage.

  10. Hentai titles are prohibited.

  11. Ninjas (assistants) are responsible for setting up props and decorations on stage. They can hand over or take props from the participant but cannot participate in the performance, except as extras or being "killed". They cannot have long lines, dialogues, or complex interactions with the participant.

  12. The use of K-Pop and Pop-folk songs in performances is prohibited. Exceptions are official K-Pop songs like KDA.

  13. Each participant is allowed one assistant for the dressing room, who can also act as a ninja during the performance. The assistant must be registered along with the participant. Otherwise, they will not be allowed in the dressing room, backstage area, or on stage.

  14. Props cannot be taller than 2 meters and no longer than 4 meters.

  15. All props must be stored in a designated area near the stage. Bringing in and/or repairing props in the dressing rooms is prohibited.

  16. The consumption of alcohol by participants and their assistants is prohibited on the event premises before and during the cosplay show.

  17. Registering for the Station Street Festival cosplay show indicates the participant's consent to be photographed and recorded on stage, and for the materials to be used by the organizers for promotional purposes.