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Results from 2023 charity campaign at Station Street Festival

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Aug 14, 2024, 9:30 AM
Results from 2023 charity campaign at Station Street Festival

Station Street Festival was born in the city under the hills in 2023. Apart from having musical, cultural & social nuances and being a platform for creating a community around them, the festival also set another meaningful goal - to be socially responsible!

In times when it’s more important than ever to be unified and together, it is important for us to contribute to our community and environment and support it. Our friends from private mint @Bulmint stand along our side in this quest!

Together, during the first edition of Station Street Festival we were able to delight hundreds of people with the craftsmen special festival medal, which is not only a beautiful memory, but also has numismatic value. But more importantly, through this medal, we were able to gather and donate BGN 10 185 in support of “For our children” foundation and the work of the Center for community support “For children & parents”, part of the Early child development complex in Plovdiv.

Each purchased medal in 2023 has contributed to:

  • Ensuring specialized aid and work with specialists for children and their families (rehabilitator, psychologist, speech therapist etc.)
  • Concomitant specialists (health specialists, mediators, therapists etc.)
  • Specialized activities (courses, sports activities, trips etc.)
  • Financial support (medical aid, medicine supplies, therapies, specialized medical examination etc.) Administrative & organizational expenses (technical support, building support etc.)

You can locate the full report for the donations from the 2023 Station Street Festival edition HERE.

Thank you for the trust & support! We’ll be awaiting you at the beloved ”Ivan Vazov” street this year, where music meets gaming, arts & food.

More updates regarding this year’s event are coming soon! Stay tuned!